Wednesday, January 25, 2023

I'm not trying to steal your identity, I promise...

 I barely want my own identity, what would I do with yours too.

So, whenever I try to share my BlogSpot link on some sort of platform, it links to this scary looking screen.  I thought it was just Facebook that hated BlogSpot but this happened on Teams too.  So, Microsoft also hates BlogSpot.  

If you click on Advanced, you get this slightly less scary screen.  Do not get tempted by "back to safety".  

From there just click on the link that you wanted in the first place.  Although I think the (unsafe) at the end is a bit over the top.  You already scared most away, this just adds insult to injury at this late point in the process. Your computer will not blow up, I promise.  

See, look at where you get from that windy pathway:  here!  Fun stories and pictures.  Yay!  Go into the darkness, reject the safety option.  

Oh, here's something interesting and lightly troubling.  You remember that I mentioned that I borrowed Amy's camera because I killed mine in Antarctica.  So, I was looking for something today and found a camera case that I wondered if it might be better than Amy's camera case.  I opened it and there is a camera in there.  I do not know where this camera came from.  Is it mine?  Did I buy it? Did someone give it to me?  Or, god forbid, did I borrow it years ago and never give it back? Have I used it before? It is the exact same camera as Amy's just an older model!  

I'm going to take 'mine' to Morocco.  If I am going to lose or break it, I would rather it not be Amy's.  The battery is just enough different between the two models that I can't use Amy's multiple batteries.  But it uses the same battery as my tiny little Canon (pocket size) so I have two.  I think that should do it.  Especially since I don't have time to get a new one. I can use the charger from the compact camera.

Packing updates.  I talked to my lovely friend, Missy, who spent some time in Morocco and she talked me out of taking a tank top and capris.  Stay covered.  First, the culture.  Second, it is going to be cold.  Done.  Now, do I take sandals?  I am reconsidering based on the tank/capri advise.  Update: Two friends who have been to Morocco, two votes for no sandals.  Fine, I got a pedicure for NOTHING!  

I ordered Euros and they are ready to pick up.  I have zero time tomorrow, back to back meetings, including over lunch.  So, I will have to get to the back at the end of the day before they close at 5pm.  Let's all say a little prayer that I don't forget.  

Ok.  It's getting serious now.  I have to go shove things in my backpack.  Maybe I'll look at my to do list that I wrote last week and never looked at again.  

1 comment:

Marrakesh and home...

 After my hot air balloon ride, I was taken back to the hotel.  My late night and very early morning had left me exhausted so I crashed for ...